Thursday, July 13, 2006

Burger King developing feature film

Possibly as a pro-fast food counter point to the upcoming Fast Food Nation film, or maybe for something like a BK version of Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, Burger King is apparently developing a feature film. From the LA Times:
Product placement apparently isn't cutting it in the movie business anymore. Not satisfied, say, with a mere passing shot of a mega-star munching a Whopper, Burger King is developing a film whose main character lives above one of its burger franchises, according to a story in this week's Advertising Age, a trade magazine.

Burger King, along with ad agency Crispin Porter & Bogusky, which is overseeing the script, envision a "character-driven" story along the lines of Garden State and What's Eating Gilbert Grape.


  1. I know the BURGER KING commercials in Sweden features a bunch of youngster living above a BK-restaurant. I guess they got story line from there.

  2. Wow. I can not imagine this movie being good.
