Thursday, November 02, 2006

Chipotle advertising contest videos

Chipotle currently has a "30 Seconds of Fame" video production contest for college students at select universities. The entries are 30 second TV ads for Chipotle. The student producers are vying for a $10,000 and airtime for their ad on Chipotle's website. The student's college will also receive $10,000.

You can view all the entries on YouTube. There is a Chipotle '30 Seconds of Fame' YouTube Group where you can view, vote and comment on the video entries. Chipotle also has a page that links to each of the videos.

Here's one I enjoyed that was produced by students at Trinity University. (Something tells me you'll never see this one on TV, but it's hilarious and creative!)

Some of the colleges participating are Academy of Art, American University, Case Western, Chapman University, Indiana University, Kent State, Marquette University, Metro Denver, Rice University, Sac State, SMU, Trinity University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Dayton, University of Florida, University of Missouri-Columbia, University of Richmond, University of Wisconsin-Madison, & UNLV.


  1. "Funny and Creative"? how about "Sad and Pathetic" or "Shallow and Mindless". Is this how youths in America get their "fun"? As someone of this segment, I find it trite, boring, and intellegence-insulting. Jeers.

  2. As the previous comment mentioned, that spot was pretty horrible.

    Check out the Ad that Chipotle liked the best:

  3. I really like the one that Chipotle chose as the best. The one from SMU. It was much better than the marijuana comparison posted above.

  4. This one was far more creative and fun than the SMU ad; as usual corporate America is totally out of touch with what real students enjoy. As for the first comment, learn out to use quotes and capital letters Sparky; then perhaps your opinion would carry some weight.

  5. college for mexican ad are you crazy

  6. I actually thought it was pretty funny.
    And I'm an Account Director at a PR Firm that oversees about 4 million dollars for Fortune 100 clients.

  7. Well, congratulations, hotshot! You're a PR guy? That's kinda like a veterinarian evaluating a physician's work, eh?
