Thursday, August 28, 2008

Starbucks healthy breakfast upgrade

Starbucks has had a secret project ("Morning Source") to develop healthier breakfast items for their stores.

It will be unveiled today, and be available at your local Starbucks (if it's still open) on September 3.
"Food has been our Achilles' heel," says corporate founder and CEO Howard Schultz. He calls better-for-you food, part of Starbucks' evolving health and wellness program, a "billion-dollar" idea. "This is as big an initiative as anything we can do."
The new breakfast menu items include (fat, fiber & protein totals are in grams):
  • Apple Bran Muffin: 330 Calories, 8 fat, 7 fiber, 7 protein.
  • Starbucks Power Protein Plate (w/ peanut butter): 330 calories, 16 fat, 5 fat, 16 protein.
  • Starbucks Power Protein Plate (w/o peanut butter): 260 calories, 9 fat, 3 fiber, 13 protein.
  • Baked Berry Stella: 280 calories, 9 fat, 6 fiber, 6 protein.
  • Multigrain roll: 280 calories, 6 fat, 6 fiber, 7 protein.
  • Chewy Fruit & Nut Bar: 250 calories, 10 fat, 4 fiber, 4 protein.
  • Perfect Oatmeal: 140 calories, 2.5 fat, 4 fiber, 5 protein.
My wife will be devastated if they eliminate their Pumpkin Loaf! (330 calories, 16 grams fat, btw)

Starbucks plans to improve their lunch and dinner menus in 2009.

1 comment:

  1. to know how 2 make ur breakfast full of nutrition visit
    check out the nutrition n recipe section 2 get recipe of nutritive breakfast
