Monday, May 02, 2005

KFC operator roasts Pamela Anderson 'inaccuracies'

A Canadian KFC operator has responded to the recent accusations of Pamela Anderson, a Canadian, in a PETA video regarding apparent mistreatment of chickens at KFC suppliers.
Bitove said KFC buys its chickens from the same places that sell to grocery stores and to other restaurants in Canada, and company officials "regularly and randomly audit our suppliers to augment government oversight and better ensure that chickens are treated ethically." -CJAD 800 Radio

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that finds this ridulous? Pammy, America eats chickens and always will. KFC, don't even waste your time defending it - I don't know of any of us are worried about treating a chicken ethically when we are cutting it up to cook it. Finally, if Pam is so worried about removing unwanted busts - - she should look in the mirror.