UPDATE #2: see the Exclusive Video (and more updated info on this story)

The masked intruders brought with them six 40-gallon trash bags containing approximately 25,000 packets of Taco Bell hot sauce weighing an estimated 400 pounds.
The group left a note with their hot deposit stating that they had been accumulating them for the past three years and storing them in the trunk of a car. Apparently they'd thought about using them for a practical joke or selling them on eBay, but their consciences prompted a return.
UPDATE: The Consumerist was also contacted by the individual that left a comment here, correcting details from earlier news reports about this incident. They supplied a photo to back their claim that "1.) They were NOT wearing masks, a few had baseball caps. 2.)None of the sauce was stolen, one individual had been stockpiling extra sauce packets for 3 years in the trunk of his car. 3.) None of the people involved were over 19. 4.) There were 10 people with 11 40-gallon trash bags."
It was the right thing to do for our country at a time of war and upheaval. But won't the sauce have gone bad?
I know one of the people involved personally and 1.) They were NOT wearing masks, a few had baseball caps. 2.)None of the sauce was stolen, one individual had been stockpiling extra sauce packets for 3 years in the trunk of his car. 3.) None of the people involved were over 19. 4.) There were 10 people with 11 40-gallon trash bags.
I have photos...
Tell me more... I'd love to set the record straight!
And please send the photos! I'd love to see them and post them with your permission!
you can contact me at blog -at- foodfacts.info
I say BRAVO guys! Good Work!
The worst thing about some Taco Bell franchises is the fact that they treat their hot sauce like its gold! its like pulling teeth to get them to hand you more than 1 packet per taco/burrito. Some of us like putting 3 to 4 packets on each item, and at a cost of 1 penny per 50 packets, I think these cheap ass franchise owners can afford it.
welcome to corporate america, where multi-billion dollar companies nickel-and-dime you at every possible opportunity
look at the lifestyle of someones who is seriously attempting(and succeeding) to grow wealth and they are the most tight fisted skin flinted ol codgers around (they also have 5-6-7 digit account balances)
basically what im saying is you don't get rich wasting money even if its .025 sent per unit.
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