All of the 100+ McDonald's in Israel serve kosher meat, but only a dozen are considered strictly kosher because they do not serve dairy and are closed on the Sabbath. Tel Aviv's chief rabbi has pressured McDonald's to change the signs of the strictly kosher restaurants to show the golden arches on a blue background (instead of red). McDonald's is changing two and will gradually change the other 10.
The other requirement is that the signs say "Kosher" in both English and Hebrew as shown here:

[Thanks, Dan J. Berger's Blog]
It is true, I just got back from Israel. In Jerusalem, there was a McD's open on Shabbat and it wasn't labeled as Kosher. Totally bizarre, even though I new to look for and expect it.
I think havin a McDs is good for kids and people who crave it.
First, with the ingredients being Kosher they are also immediately and automatically Halal...
Second, some McDonalds in Israel are fully Kosher... I.e. not only are the ingredients Kosher but the other Jewish laws are observed... Such as the separation of meat and dairy... The others aren't Kosher... However, many Israelis who otherwise are rather secular will not eat non Kosher meat...
Third, though not really related to Kasrut, there's another really neat feature to Israeli McDonalds branches is the fact that just about all of them offer free WiFi... Wether you make a purchase or not...
NOOO...Halal is Halaal... meaning kalima is read before the animal is slaughter. Kosher is only allowed cos jews do not put meat and veg or fish in the same containers...BECAREFUL!
Allah has mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah,
“Those four things are forbidden from you: 1) Dead animal, 2) Blood, 3) Pork, and 4) any animal slaughtered in the name other than Allah.” (2:173)
TO you Haseena,
from another Muslim, Kosher is also Halal because the animal is sacrificed in the name of God/Allah. Jews believe in the unity of one God.AND until a new law was passed on to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) he abided by the laws of the Torah.
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