BK Stackers Quad is 4 beef patties, 4 slices of American cheese, 8 strips of bacon, and BK Stacker Sauce (featuring high fructose corn syrup!) all on a sesame seed bun. It weighs 311 grams and has 1000 calories, 620 calories from fat, 68 grams of fat, 30 grams of saturated fat, 2 grams of the dreaded trans fat, 240 mg of cholesterol, 1800 mg of sodium, 34 grams of carbs, 1 gram of fiber, 6 grams of sugars and 62 grams of protein.
UPDATE: The BK Stacker is a permanent addition to the menu and is now available at all participating restaurants. The BK Double Stacker sandwich is available at a suggested price of $2.49, the BK Triple Stacker at $3.29 and the BK Quad Stacker at $3.99.
In other Burger King news, BK is now offering milk in re-sealable, eight-ounce plastic bottles. It is offering 1% white and chocolate milk with the Hershey’s label. According to AgWeb, the dairy industry has been pushing for these new bottles because they determined that "customers would choose milk more often when it was offered in fun, attractive packaging and in different flavors."
The stacker is a ripoff, it's not only smaller than the wopper, it's even smaller than the Junior bacon cheese burger at wendy's!
This burger was actually pretty decent
Add in some music and a digicam set on film mode and you'll have a great time.
I thought this was a joke, but unfortunately not. The quad contains about half a day's calories, 1800 grams of salt, and 68 grams of fat -- and that's just the sandwich (imagine the combo). "No veggies allowed" is the crowning touch ...yes, it actually says that on their website. They don't care what these things do to people, as long as their cash registers keep going ka-ching! I think I just stopped going to Burger King.
Oops -- sorry, that's 1800 milligrams of salt, not grams (OK, I'm not a science whiz) -- still yuck, though.
Food is food and life too damn short to not eat meat!
Dont be a wimp and chow down this thing!
Why would anyone knowingly clog their arteries with every bite!! That's gross!
this is the best burger i ever tasted
the only way its worth it is if you get a quad-stacker king size meal. this aint meant for calorie counters. you cant handle it w/o the large soda. honestly this is burger heaven. the best one ever since wendy's mushroom melt... *sigh* Burger King is the king of burgers, no pussy-footin around. i cant wait to get one... MEATIVORE
I take great pleasure in reading about all the people who love and are eating this behemoth, heart attack inducing, blubber packing, gut busting slop. I am an advocate nihilist, and I see the pattern. Any civilization that grows beyond the worlds means to support it is doomed to annihilation. Simply put, my belief on this issue is, the sooner the better. I encourage anyone and everyone who loves this kind of food product to eat 3 a day. Go ahead and stuff your piggy faces. Every bite you take puts this world one step closer to the innevitable… and when society finally collapses, you will all be the ones who are too sickly, slow and stupid to survive to build a new world. Please get it over with sooner so there are more resources left over for the strong and the intelligent with which to work.
I take great pleasure in reading about all the people who love and are eating this behemoth, heart attack inducing, blubber packing, gut busting slop. I am an advocate nihilist, and I see the pattern. Any civilization that grows beyond the worlds means to support it is doomed to annihilation. Simply put, my belief on this issue is, the sooner the better. I encourage anyone and everyone who loves this kind of food product to eat 3 a day. Go ahead and stuff your piggy faces. Every bite you take puts this world one step closer to the innevitable… and when society finally collapses, you will all be the ones who are too sickly, slow and stupid to survive to build a new world. Please get it over with sooner so there are more resources left over for the strong and the intelligent with which to work.
This burger is really good, the only thing is that its soo damm small. Also its seriously too high in fat and evrything else.
I'm still waiting for BK to deliver on its promise of a bun made of meat!!
I just ordered this thing and thought they handed me the wrong sandwich. On the menu it looks as large (even larger than the whooper) as any full size burger, but is no larger than a sausage/biscuit sandwich. Calories and salt aside (the sign says Burger King not health food) I expected a full size burger. I sent it back and will not be back.
I'm a 35 yr. old bodybuilder & the quad stacker is definately a great source of protein...LOVE IT!
"I take great pleasure in reading about all the people who love and are eating this behemoth, heart attack inducing, blubber packing, gut busting slop. I am an advocate nihilist, and I see the pattern. Any civilization that grows beyond the worlds means to support it is doomed to annihilation. Simply put, my belief on this issue is, the sooner the better. I encourage anyone and everyone who loves this kind of food product to eat 3 a day. Go ahead and stuff your piggy faces. Every bite you take puts this world one step closer to the innevitable… and when society finally collapses, you will all be the ones who are too sickly, slow and stupid to survive to build a new world. Please get it over with sooner so there are more resources left over for the strong and the intelligent with which to work."
Are you an idiot? Yes your are. You dont even know what a nihilist is! Next time look up the word before using it jerk off.
People need to stop being so damn bitchy about what other people eat, grow up, and gtfo panseys.
well, i dont eat out much as i tend to cook at home and eat healthy. plus i run almost every single day. so when i go out and treat myself to a bk stacker quad meal, i like to smile, because i know, it won't affect me. you may say it does or will, but so far the doctors say i'm perfectly fine. so i'll chow down haha.
Gee, I must have struck a nerve. Almost two years later and I see that it turned into a string of defensive, name calling rebuttals. Sorry.
Yes, I do know what a nihilism is. I believe that our society is too thoroughly entrenched to be changed or "fixed" and therefore must be destroyed (an-nihil-ated) before change can be effected. I thought that came through in my statements, but I guess not.
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