If you haven't seen the TV ads yet, let me introduce you to KFC's new Famous Bowls... a fast food idea that's long overdue: take the customer's 'favorite' items from your fast food menu board and mix them together in a bowl so they can be eaten with a spoon (or a shovel)!
Here's KFC description: "Freshly prepared with layers of your KFC favorites - a generous serving of our creamy mashed potatoes, sweet kernel corn, bite size pieces of all-white meat crispy chicken, topped with our homestyle gravy and 3-cheese blend."
The 'Mashed Potato with Gravy Famous Bowl' has 690 calories
(60 of those from fat)(corrected: 270 of those from fat), 31 grams of fat, 55mgs of cholesterol, 26 grams of carbohydrates, and 27 grams of protein. The 'Rice with Gravy' version has 770 calories (230 from fat), 25 grams of fat, 55mgs of cholesterol, 107 grams of carbs, 30 grams of protein.
Thanks Joe, you're absolutely right! I corrected it.
The KFC Famous Bowl is too small and it's not worth $4. I tried it today and it will be the last one for me.
The KFC Famous Bowl is excellent! I don't see how people can dislike it.
I think it's more than enough! It's very filling. Also, very easy to make a similar dish at home, with homemade potatoes and gravy. Yummy, and the kids like it. Although, I never have put cheese on it. That just looks like it would be gross to me.
It 690 calories per bowl. Im sorry, but if you feel this is to small you need to re-evaluate your eating habits.
If you think 690 calories per meal is too high, than it is YOU who needs to re-evaluate your eating habits.
I'm totally addicted! The KFC bowls are very yummy ( I was also hesitant about the cheese on top, but now I couldn't eat it without it), but too expensive. I'm going to try to make my own at home tonight.
I was served this disk when i was a kid:
mixture of ground beef and corn, ladled on top of a mound of mashed taters. Damn good eatin'.
Damn, that sounds like trailer trash.
anonymous from 11/21/07: I really think your bigoted language is unnecessary. If it doesn't look appetizing to you, then don't eat it. If I want to go out to eat at a fast food joint once a month (or every day for that matter), I shouldn't be called a pig by some self righteous douche.
The KFC is the bomb.....I just love it and I would eat it every day if I could, it sounds better than Burger king or McD's, nothing against them.
i hate the taste, the mashed potato taste so yucky!
It only being 690 calories is awesome! I need about 1800-2000 calories a day. Considering I only have two meals a day, that is such a small amount of calories which will keep me well within my happy, healthy limit! YUMMY! Nothing piggish or pig-sloppish about enjoying delicious food, you guys. You just sound like judgmental, misinformed, Hitler-esque negatoids for insulting masses of people for not doing and being exactly as you. If only there were a grilled chicken version. That would cut the calories WAY WAY WAY down, then we'd all agree how AWESOME it is! :)
too much saturated fat for one meal...
KFC is the best food in the whole world! I eat all my meals there! I used to be sad and hungry all the time, but now with the new KFC Bowl meal, I am happy all the time!!!
Hey anonymous, I'm gettin $45 per post - how much they payin you?
Hmmm... considering that's a meal, it wouldn't be too bad for a meal in moderation; I had one today for the first time!
I'm taking/ inhaling 4 famous bowls at one sitting for a bet can I do this without dying?
these are great !!! Me and my niece like to get one after church
fattening but yet so good. Why are all the good stuff in life so bad for you =(
To everyone who is saying that this meal is "bad" or "too high in calories", please know that you (anyone, everyone) can eat ANYTHING in moderation. Eating a KFC bowl for dinner every single night is just as unhealthy as eating only a salad for dinner every night. Its shocking how distorted and misinformed our society is in regards to food.
I think it's worth the 690 calories once in a while. =P
Judge not, lest ye be judged. Eat what you want and let others eat what they want! :) You know that at the end of the day, name calling and judging don't really make you feel better about yourself!
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